Melissa's Transformation - The Blog :-)

Obviously, I'm Melissa :-) This is my incredible journey as I transform inside and out after having gastric bypass surgery on Dec. 29, 2004. It's a wild, wonderful trip!
I am newly separated. I live in Pasadena, Texas, ya'll, with my little Schnoodle dog named Katie! I love helping people in all phases of this weight-loss journey.


Post-Op Day 360: A wonderful Christmas Eve...

Last year at this time, I was so focused on my pending surgery that I wasn't able to enjoy the Christmas holiday like I wanted to. This year, I am just letting myself enjoy it all.

Sure I am stressed about having to do all the holiday stuff and I wonder if I got Scott and my folks things they like. However, I am not completely pre-occupied with the thought of life-altering surgery. haha

My weight loss is taking a big hit this month. In fact, I'm up a pound since my last post. Funny, I was so worried that I would never be able to eat my favorites anymore. Now I wish I couldn't! haha Since I don't dump on ANY sugar, I find myself eating too many of the sweets I've always loved. I generally have decent will-power, but the food abundance in December really is hard for me to manage. Luckily, I can't eat huge portions of anything still. The bad part is that I can graze all day long.

I am not beating myself up too bad though. Why?

1. This is the FIRST holiday season (from October through January 1) that I've LOST weight instead of gained it. So, I need to keep that in mind and rejoice in that fact. I am sitting here lighter than I can EVER remember in my adult life at 179.5 pounds and I am a size 14. I feel healthy and I look healthy.

2. My support group leader said that, now that we are different from our surgery, we have to think differently. Normal-size people also tend to overeat during the holiday season - it's just not overweight people who do it. But what do normal-size people do when the season's over? They kick back into healthy behaviors at the start of the New Year and focus on getting more fit. For me, I use to say, "Oh well - I ruined things during this time. I will just keep eating." Instead of getting off the 10-20 pounds I gained in that time by getting refocused on Weight Watchers, I allowed the negative cycle to continue. This time, I am doing things differently and I am really excited about that. I've experienced success this past year, and I know I will continue to experience even more. I am done with that negative cycle.

3. I joined Curves last week, so I already have a built-in plan to stay motivated. I did Curves before and enjoyed it. I quit after I joined the YMCA. While I loved the Y, I found that I missed the structure and convenience of Curves. I eventually quit the Y but never went back to Curves. I've been needing aerobic activity more than anything. When I went two times last week, it felt SO great working my body like that! OMG! Being so much lighter really makes a difference. I had so much energy. So now I am looking forward to doing Curves as well as building a more structured workout on the Bowflex. I've got a lot of weight off - now I am ready to shape myself up better. I know I will have some excess skin no matter what. But it's not nearly as bad as it could be and I think it can be even better with the combination of aerobics and strength training.

Whew...that was a mouthful!

You know, even as I wrote the above text, I sat here and ate a brownie. As much as I love the taste of it, sweets still don't have the same power over me as they once did. Now when I eat them, I think I am doing it more out of habit than the actual NEED I think I use to have.

So, I really need to focus on cutting out the mindless eating and redirect myself once more to eating for health. I am not going to push it though until after my folks leave. To try and do that would set me up for feeling like a failure when I feel weak and give in. I have to pick and choose my battles. That's another thing I've learned. I know I will get back on track. I don't have to live in that fear of falling off the slippery slope and giving up like I did all 14 or so times while on Weight Watchers. This time I have a tool that will work for me when I utilize it.

Anyway...enough of that...

There's so much I still want to get caught up on. It's been a wonderful month filled with lots of compliments. At Scott's birthday party and his work Christmas party, a lot of people saw me who hadn't seen me in a while and some even before the surgery. It was so nice to hear the great comments. It's funny how people say that, when they heard I was having bypass surgery, they didn't think I needed it. Now that I am down over 140 pounds, they are like "I just didn't realize you needed to lose that much weight, but now that I see how you've changed, it's amazing!"

Being able to wear a solid misses size 14 is absolutely freaking amazing! It's so awesome to go into any store and know I can fit into their clothes is the best feeling in the world. I know I've written than so many times, but I just can't stress it enough. It's incredible how your world just opens up. I can wear a size large - even in some junior clothes.

I just want to buy so many things, but I refrain. I don't want to lock myself into this size. I think I can get down to a 12. I feel like that will be it unless I get plastic surgery. I want to be in a 10 so bad, but I just can't see it happening with this tummy and these thighs. lol

Still, even at a 14, I can buy fashionable things and feel like I look good in them. That's unheard of for me - to actually look in a mirror after trying something on and thinking, "Wow - it looks good!" Sure, I hate my fat rolls and some things just aren't flattering, but it's a thrill not to see reflected back in the mirror a frumpy person that I can't relate to. Inside I've always been a diva, and to not reflect that back was hard. Now I am finally seeing a budding diva looking back at me. I am liking her a lot - even though I am amazed and often shocked every time I take a good look at her.

Ok I need to run. Merry Christmas everyone. Thank You God for your endless blessings - most of all, the blessing that is the reason for this season.


Post-Op Day 356: I'm still here!!!! :-)

(I'm really 178.5 but they don't do .5!)


I swear I didn't fall off the face of the Earth. ;-)

Hello there! I am sooooooooooo sorry I haven't written in *gulp* a MONTH! Where has the time gone??

I have so much to talk about that I think I just simply got overwhelmed to even start writing. So, to break the ice, I thought I would just pop in and say hi! So...hi!

My parents arrive from Indiana tomorrow. Hopefully they are on the road as I type. I cannot WAIT to see them. However, on the other hand, I am so overwhelmed because I need to get this house cleaned up pronto! I guess I will do it tonight and totally exhaust myself. haha Ahhhh the holidays!

I cannot BELIEVE that my weight-loss surgery anniversary is in 8 days!!!!! How in the world has a year passed by?? In that time, I have lost 145.5 pounds! I cannot even believe it!! I am soooo thrilled that I had this surgery.

I keep reminding myself to stop and think about where I was this time last year. It was my re-address day with Dr. Naaman. It was the day that I got the paperwork and set the wheels truly in motion.

At that point in my life, I was miserable with my weight but terrified about the surgery. I wrote in my blog: " week from tomorrow morning, I go under the knife. I want to live. I want to live so much that I am willing to go through this to have the best life possible."

I am SO GLAD I DID! I wish I could go back and tell the me of then that it was all going to be ok. Sure, it's been really hard, but I made it through and lost weight. I could have never imagined that I would be sitting here weighing 178.5 pounds and feeling brand new in many ways and still the same in many ways. I still have my personality and all the things I liked about myself, yet I have a much smaller, much healthier new body. Sure, I want to lose 19.5 more pounds, but so do many people in the world. That just makes me "normal." At 324 pounds, the thought of having to lose just that would have blown my mind!

Anyway, I will reflect more on my anniversary. For right now, I just want to say that I still very much appreciate this wonderful tool and I thank God for protecting me through this year.

I need to get going...the dog needs walking, and then I have to shower, go to Walmart and go to work. I am overwhelmed just thinking about all I have to do today. Still, I will do it all just being thankful and happy that I am where I am today. God has blessed me with this amazing tool, and equally amazing parents, friends, dog and, most of all, husband. Scott is my rock and I will forever be grateful for him.

I also want to say - Much love to Diana, Donna and Erin, all who have inquired as to why I haven't written. You all are awesome and I am so thankful for your love and support!!!

Below is a new pic of me...