Post-Op Day 220: Ahhh it's Saturday!
Scott's not feeling well, so next Saturday is when we will take Katie to the groomers and buy his ring. I don't even know if he or I will go out tonight. It's all up in the air at this point.
The results on the new outfit...
Well, the outfit from yesterday was an overwhelming hit! I don't think I've ever gotten so many compliments in one day. I kept hearing "WOW!" "Oh my God!" "Man, you can really see how much you've lost" "Skinny Minnie" "You look fabulous!" "I cannot believe how much you've changed in such a short period of time!" "Look how little your waist is!" and so on and so forth.
Because the outfit actually fit my form, I felt pretty self-conscious all day. Me - who likes to show off totally - was self-conscious. So strange. I guess it felt strange knowing people were looking very closely at my body. I felt like they could see all the lumps, stretch marks, cellulite and sags. haha However, the reality is, in clothes, I don't look nearly that bad.
I was thrilled though that the outfit was a hit, so please don't get me wrong. Since I've been on such a long plateau and the weight is no longer dropping off, my body hasn't been changing much. That means the compliments had tapered off. I still get people saying I look great or whatever - but I haven't been hearing the "Wow you change every week" comments.
Wearing that outfit, I think it showed people that I have lost more inches but my clothes hide it a lot. I dunno...I am not going to analyze it. I am just going to enjoy it! :-)
At this moment, I'm on a little carb binge. I just ate about a cup of Captain Crunch with crunch berries. Before that, I ate several handfuls of Goldfish crackers. This is the first time that I've done anything like that. Weird, I know. I am done with the binge now. Before, it would have started a binge that would last the whole day. haha
I haven't been all bad today. I did get up this morning and Katie and I took a fairly long walk. It was already getting hot, so I decided to cut it short. She was panting pretty badly.
I came home and didn't drink my Carnation Instant Breakfast (low-carb) and Mootopia. I just drank water. I think that was my mistake. I left myself vulnerable to the 'hungries' and the carb craving took over. lol Oh well...I am not perfect and neither is my journey. I will just move forward from here. :-)
I'm back!
Bet you didn't even know I was gone. ;-)
After writing the above, I decided to drag out my Balance Ball, inflate it and do some stretches on it. Then I did a yoga tape and half of a Winsor Pilates tape. I feel much better to get some stretching and exercising done.
Afterwards, I felt hungry. I realized that pretty much everything I have is filled with carbs. ugh.
Anyway, I am proud of myself for taking charge and digging out the exercise stuff. I also want to develop a new Bowflex routine so I can work my legs more. That would involve learning how to hook up the leg attachment. Doing that would involve reorganizing my office, which is where the Bowflex is located. I will tackle all that tomorrow. I am feeling very sleepy right now.
Ok well that's about it for now. I am just going to enjoy my weekend. I have to be at work by 1:30 a.m. Monday for the landing of Discovery. So, tomorrow I will need to go to bed early. But, it will be nice to come home by 10 a.m. on Monday, you know?
Have a great weekend!
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