Melissa's Transformation - The Blog :-)

Obviously, I'm Melissa :-) This is my incredible journey as I transform inside and out after having gastric bypass surgery on Dec. 29, 2004. It's a wild, wonderful trip!
I am newly separated. I live in Pasadena, Texas, ya'll, with my little Schnoodle dog named Katie! I love helping people in all phases of this weight-loss journey.


I'm miserable :-(

I just want to say that this pain is terrible. :-( I truly feel miserable.

It seems the only way to do any kind of pain management is for Scott to keep me drugged so I can sleep through it. I've just got up from sleeping four hours straight. I have been up for 15 minutes - and the pain is already coming back in abundance. The entire right side of my face hurts like hell except where it's totally numb - which is a yucky feeling all to itself.

My face looks more swollen and out of proportion. I know all of this is normal. I went through major surgery where my face was cut into and my facial nerve was maneuvered. On top of that, the nerve to my right ear was cut and reattached. You can't go through something like that and not feel it. I guess after feeling so good yesterday morning, I thought perhaps I had lucked out.

A lady on the parotid tumor message board I post to (yes can you believe I found one?!) told me that her worst pain happened on DAY 5! Ugh!! Here is what she said:

Hi Melissa- I am shy of 2 weeks post op. The best advice I can give you is to keep the pain meds on a schedule...the post op nurse told my husband to wake me up the first couple of nights to keep me on my schedule. Once I let it go, it was hard to stay "on top of" the pain. I, too, slept or rested for the first 2 or 3 days. That was what helped me the most.

I ate soup for nearly a week, with soft rolls because my cheek hurt to chew. Keep hydrated and eat some dried plums or take stool softners, but keep the pain meds on a schedule. I am still taking my pills, 1 every 6-8 hours....I figure that I am not trying to win an award for enduring pain from this operation...but am trying to get through it comfortably.

I was surprised that on day 5 post op, I felt more sore and was hurting than before...I think it was because I was trying to get off of my pain pills too soon. I asked my Dr for more at my 1 week post-op follow-up and finally today is my first day without pain pills of any kind.

Go easy, get LOTS of sleep and keep managing your pain.

Good luck!

So, I am going to just stay drugged up and pray that I turn the corner to feeling better soon.


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