Melissa's Transformation - The Blog :-)

Obviously, I'm Melissa :-) This is my incredible journey as I transform inside and out after having gastric bypass surgery on Dec. 29, 2004. It's a wild, wonderful trip!
I am newly separated. I live in Pasadena, Texas, ya'll, with my little Schnoodle dog named Katie! I love helping people in all phases of this weight-loss journey.


Post-Op Day 112 - Will I lose any more weight?

OK I don’t have long to write, but I want to say that I am totally frustrated…grrrrr I am at another plateau! I’m still at 70 pounds. I guess I got spoiled by losing those quick 14 pounds because this plateau is the worst yet mentally.

I am so scared I am not going to lose any more. I’ve heard people tell me that they, their moms, friends, etc. lost between 60-70 pounds and just stopped. I can’t imagine going through all this to not lose anymore. I know that has to be the most disheartening thing ever.

Don’t get me wrong – I KNOW 70 pounds is a lot of weight. I know I feel and look better. I am loving my new life, even with all the little stumbling blocks along the way. I guess I am loving the changes so much, I am so afraid no more will happen. I just feel so lucky to have come this far, I guess I am still in disbelief that something this good could happen to me. Now I guess I fear it’s all come to an end.

As I wrote during my last plateau, I am sure I will be able to look back in a few months and say I shouldn’t have worried. However, I forget how scary plateaus are until I am back in them. Rationally I know this is my body probably catching up with the quick weight loss I just had this past month. However, irrationally I am scared.

Ok I need to get ready for work. Onward and upward, little Butterfly!


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