Melissa's Transformation - The Blog :-)

Obviously, I'm Melissa :-) This is my incredible journey as I transform inside and out after having gastric bypass surgery on Dec. 29, 2004. It's a wild, wonderful trip!
I am newly separated. I live in Pasadena, Texas, ya'll, with my little Schnoodle dog named Katie! I love helping people in all phases of this weight-loss journey.


Post-Op Day 312: The scale moves again!

Man, I cannot believe I am down two more pounds!!! I might be back up a little tomorrow, but for now - I am taking what I can! haha

I am now out of the 190s! WOW...after being stuck at 194 for about two weeks or so, it's really kicked in! I went back and looked at my daily weigh-ins and I noticed that about this time every month is where I drop the most weight. Then, around my period time, I stall for a couple of weeks. So, it's two weeks of losing and two weeks of sitting. That works for me!

It's hard to believe that I am just 30 pounds from my goal weight. In some ways, it seems so far away. In other ways, it seems so close. I know I can do it. I want to do it.

Well, I just wanted to pop in and update with the good news. I didn't do much at all yesterday but relax. So, today I need to kick it in and get things in order for my trip!

Thank You God for answered prayers.



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