Melissa's Transformation - The Blog :-)

Obviously, I'm Melissa :-) This is my incredible journey as I transform inside and out after having gastric bypass surgery on Dec. 29, 2004. It's a wild, wonderful trip!
I am newly separated. I live in Pasadena, Texas, ya'll, with my little Schnoodle dog named Katie! I love helping people in all phases of this weight-loss journey.


Moving right along...

My letter of creditable coverage from my old insurance FINALLY arrived! I finally have all my paperwork gathered! I feel like I just won a marathon - I can't imagine how amazing I will feel when I actually get approval! ;-)

Tomorrow I am contacting my new insurance company to ask where I need to send it and my psych letter, and how long will it take for a decision. I am hoping I will hear something in at least a month.

Other than that, today was pretty good and then it sucked. I had a major oversight on timesheets at work. For almost three months, three guys have been charging their time to the wrong code and I didn't even notice it. The actual code and task order names are the same, but they start with two different letters - one is MA05 10.2.1 and the other one is AP05 10.2.1. UGH!

I feel so sick over it. I love my job so much and I excel at it. This is my first major mistake. I don't want to get in trouble. I HATE getting in trouble - so I work so hard to avoid it. Being a supervisor, I hate when people are in trouble with me.

So, what did I do? I came home and stuffed my face. :-( I hadn't eaten terrific today, but I had gotten up and did some exercise this morning on the Bowflex. I hate when I ruin the good stuff I do with my overeating. I get so damn hungry when I am stressed.

ok I need to go to bed. I just had to share about the final piece of the puzzle arriving. :-)


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